Monday 6 October 2014

Summer Tour//Week Four

This was the week in which we traveled around Ontario, Canada doing concerts.  In the midst of our travel/concert schedule, we try to make family time a priority.  Family devotions in the forenoon is a time when we can be together around the Word.
Carson-one of our faithful bus drivers.
sights as we approached the border today..
border crossing time!
This is "the hour chart".:)  Elizabeth is very fun-loving and creative, and she came up with the idea of a chart to cross off the hours until we get home.:)  It's pretty fun!
We also enjoy having a schedule of our concerts printed out and posted in the bus.  It is a fun way to keep track of where we've been and where we're going next.  We circle every completed concert, too, and as it gets near the end of the trip, anticipation to get HOME mounts!
instrument practice outside the bus
It is always a treat when we can stop at a park to spread out a bit.  The bus isn't always the most conducive for quiet study time.:)
Bible Bee study
concert set-up
I'm honestly not sure what was going on here.........
we are so thankful for our three sound men! Carson is the head guy, and "Salt & Pepper" are in training. =)
in concert
 singing "Steal Away and Pray"
This little bathroom gets dirty FAST!  Elizabeth is a fabulous cleaner of bathrooms.:)
more study
 Denver is our "shoe shiner" guy, for which we are very grateful!
Mother- organizing the bay
 and Chels organizing, as well!

yay for spending a day on a friend's Ontario farm!
Taylor and Hudson loved the opportunity to feed calves one morning on our friends' dairy farm!
They miss their farm chores when we travel, so it was a special treat for them to be around cows once again.
breakfast with friends
family music practice at a church, pre-concert 
Yes.....we got stuck!
We pulled into our gracious hosts' driveway, and found, upon going to pull out, that the bus was thoroughly wedged into the soft ground.
After multiple tries at backing out, we decided we were going to need another game-plan.
consulting as to the best method to get us out of our predicament:)
We decided to start by unhooking the trailer and pushing it out of the way.
Carson at the helm.
Our friend tried to pull us out with his tractor, but it just didn't have the necessary power.
A kind neighbor was called to the rescue, and came to try pulling us out with his bigger tractor.
Unfortunately it WAS a John Deere tractor buuut...we made an exception to the general Case rule this time. =) 
The tracks we left behind.:(
The whole "bus getting stuck" episode added extra pressure to our already-crunched schedule, so some of us took our friends' truck and our trailer and headed to the church to set up.  Set-up that night was, shall we say, the "expedited version".:)
With lots of team work, we got set up and ready in record time!
"Praise ye the Lord.  Sung unto the Lord a new song, and His praise in the congregation of saints." (Ps. 149:1)
It was lovely spending time with these ladies and their family! 
Thank you to all the wonderful people who hosted us along the way!  We are continually blessed by your generosity and kindness.  The Lord has been so good to us- we can never thank Him enough for keeping us safe and blessing our path as we traveled this summer.
"Be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name.  For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations." (Ps. 100:4b&5)
And now, we are homeward bound!!!  This week, we plan to be unpacking and putting the farm in order, heading to our various jobs (for the adults:), getting the gardens weeded, studying, hosting people in our home, throwing a bridal shower for a cousin, and taking part in a big family reunion and lots of festivities this weekend in celebration of our Grandma's 80th birthday!  

{posted by Allison}
Summer Tour//Week Four
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