Friday 24 October 2014

8th Annual Homeschool Family Camp Recap

Homeschool Family Camp 2014 was, everyone agreed, the best year yet. God did such amazing things + it was such a beautiful week of spending quality time with incredible people, being refreshed + encouraged by challenging messages and music, and all in all just rejoicing in the gift God has given us of physical family and most importantly the family of God!
Our theme this year was Serving. Each day we focused on a different aspect of this-serving our families, serving our churches, and serving our communities/the world.
Our theme scripture memory passage was Philippians 2:1-4:
"If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Have you been thinking about coming to family camp, and want to know a little bit more what it is all about? Well then, here are a few of the highlights from this year, to give you an idea of what to expect if you come. =)
*Amaaazing food! Fifteen yummy meals, as well as snacks every night! And unlimited coffee. =)
*Beautiful location!
*Lots and lots of optional activities! (zip line, kayaking, swimming, archery, tree climbing, hiking, etc)
*Fun family sports! (volleyball, soccer, and Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge!)
*lots of cute little babies
*challenging messages from God's Word
*great object lessons
*special music
*worship before sessions
*young people's jam/worship nights
*scripture memory
*mother/daughter sessions
*father/son sessions
*hands on guys activities
*practical life skill and application activities for the ladies
*informal volleyball training session
*hilarious skits
*ladies, mens, and young people's prayer times
*young people's discussion times
*and much more! (if you are a family camp attendee and have more to add to this list, go right ahead in the comment box! =))

The wonderful thing about this family camp is that people come from just about every kind of background/church denomination/state/etc. We have such a diverse group. Not everyone grew up homeschooled. There are families of every size, from small to large. In addition to families, we have grandparents, single parent households, and single young people attend. We even had a newlywed couple this year! If you come, you are pretty much garenteed to find someone your age. And if you didn't, it wouldn't matter anyway, because at family camp, age and gender doesn't matter-we are all just one big FAMILY and that's how everyone is treated. It is an amazing atmosphere! It is family-focused and the whole point is strengthening families to grow and live for the Lord together.

If you are interested in attending the 9th Annual Homeschool Family Camp, please email us {} and we will send you a brochure! Sign up soon, because the 2015 camp is already over half full!

And now, a recap in pictures:

*special thanks to all of the photographers at camp who contributed in helping with these photos!
{posted by chelsy}
8th Annual Homeschool Family Camp Recap
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