Wednesday 17 December 2014

Last Friday

What a day it was. Crazy & wild, with packing, packing, and more packing.
On top of everything our bus didn't get home from the shop until 5pm, and most of us were gone at an extended family get-together for the evening, so the few hours we had to pack we PACKED intensely! 
The little girls gathered all the lettuce and radishes to take along
Liz picked the three bowls of greens pictured at the top of this post. day two on the road our refrigerator quit working so....most of that lettuce (and all of our milk and homemade yogurt, along with other things) had to be thrown out. =(  
More on the "first-tour-out-with-the-new-bus-when-everything-stops-working", news, and updates from our time on the road so far, soon!
Such is road life...
-posted by chelsy
Last Friday
Rating: 100% based on 975 ratings. 91 user reviews.

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