Saturday 27 December 2014

Labor Day Update!

 If you were a mouse here on the Bontrager would observe that many conversations these days center around all things Labor Day. 
At mealtimes conversation between the "committee" generally goes something like this:
"Did you call the port-a-pot rental place yet? And how many are you getting?"
"How many tables do we have again and how many more should we borrow?"
"Are we doing lemonade this year, or just water?"
"Last year we didn't have enough drinking water available-we need to change that this year."
"What will be do if we run out of parking space?"
"Did you order the ice-cream yet, and how many different flavors are you getting?"
"Make sure to get chocolate." =)
"So..I need a vote if we should have potato chips or dinner rolls?"
"Did someone get the volleyball nets lined up?"
"Is there someone assigned to put up the nets?"
"Did you get 10 roasters lined up to use?"
"Have you made the phone call about those chairs yet?"
and last but not least...
" many pounds of pasta are you going to have to cook to feed 1,000 people?"
These are the ever-pressing questions right now. 
I spend ?? time every day answering emails & phone calls, tallying rsvps, lining up hotels and lodging, and trying to figure out the best and most efficient way to feed 1,000 people.
And on Labor Day we will be here on our farm, hosting people from Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri, & Canada.
At times we find ourselves wondering if this thing has grown a little bigger than we can handle; but we have known for years that this is event is about God so we are confident that He will provide all that we need.
Even in the midst of the craziness with everything going on, we are SO. EXCITED.
SO thrilled for this opportunity to meet so many new people.
Thrilled to share the gospel with the unsaved people who are coming.
Thrilled to encourage people about the blessing of children and godly family values.
Would you, our blog readers, join with us in praying that God would do great and mighty things this year?
Please pray that He would give us wisdom in planning and preparing.
For safety for all the people that are driving and flying in from so far away.
For safety and protection over our farm and everyone here on Labor Day.
And one last thing: in past years, we have not required rsvp. All people have had to do is just show up!
Due to the much bigger attendance expected this year, it is a little harder to plan for the food unless we know the amount of people coming. 
So for all of you reading this who usually just show up every year
 (and those of you who are coming for the first time)
 would you do me a favor and just drop me a line via email or text (or leave a comment on this post) and let me know how many in your family/group will be attending? 
Also, if you are out-of-state, please let me know what state you are from.
phone: #319-325-4974

All additional information you may need is listed on the brochure below.
{posted by chelsy}
Labor Day Update!
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