Friday 16 January 2015

Road Life Snapshots

Ever wonder what we do on the road when not practicing for, setting up for, tearing down from, or actually doing concerts?  Well, here's a small glimpse.  Following are several random snapshots from our daily life, as well as some major activities on our "to-do list" while traveling:
The back room of our bus has become rather a sort of office.  It's the place for making phone calls, studying, writing, and having meetings.
Mitchell helping Liz with school.
Taylor doing schoolwork.
more schoolwork.:)  Mother is really good about giving the kids assignments that they need to complete before they can play.  Typically, they do school most days in the week, taking a break Sunday and one or two other days, as specified by mother.  They do some in the summer, too, in order to get it done.  it's a little different now that half of us are finished.  There aren't any more little people learning to read these days.:)  
We take turns with kitchen privileges on the road.
As you can tell, Mitchell is super sweet in helping with the little ones' school.  Here, he is supervising Rebecca doing her reading drills.
Josh cooking
Denver has become our self-apointed shoe-shiner.  He does a great job!
Some of the younger ones got out there instruments at Tim Horton's in Canada one day this summer, and the got some nice tips for their playing.:)
Carson makes delicious grilled salmon!
Mitchell is usually in charge of washing the bus.
Who says work can't be fun?  

Liz helped water the beautiful flowers at one church last summer.  We love doing work projects as we travel!
You never know what position you may find someone sleeping in.  Some people in particular are notorious for activities such as sleep walking, spilling out of their bed, making sounds while sleeping, etc.  Annddd........ all us kids sleep in the same room (in the bus), so it can get pretty interesting!
This little sweetie wanted to try out one of our violins.
There is lots of music practice going on anywhere at any given moment.:)
Huds looking on as Carson does some target practice.
Mitchell and Carson frequently help dad with the us driving.
laundry.  oh yeah!  We do it anywhere, everywhere: 
*churches- a few churches have laundry facilities.:)
*rv parks
*sweet friends' houses- some people don't know what they're getting into when they offer for us to do laundry at their home. "Are you sure you want all ????? loads of our dirty laundry dragged into your house?"
*laundromats- above we "moved into" the Winkler Clean 'n' Wash Center.:)  The dear gentlemen brothers helped haul the laundry in, and Josh and Liz stayed to help me (Allison) do the laundry (and keep me company, I won't deny:). Yes, some of you may be aware that Chelsy is "the laundry Queen".  It is true.  I don't pretend to be her equal when it comes to doing laundry.  But I need a little practice once-in-a-while, not?
and Rebecca had an obviously prosperous shopping trip, above.  Rebecca does enjoy the chance to go grocery shopping, especially to Costco.  Of course, that has nothing to do with the fact that Costco often has lots of yummy samples, right?:)  I should also mention that my mother is an excellent shopper, with a great eye for deals on healthy food.  

Road Life Snapshots
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